
Nickar reveals that he has the power to travel between the planes of existence.  By way of demonstration he transports the party to the fiery plane of Vulcanheim, where they land on a desolate moor. There the party encounter a hunting party of Fire Giants with Hellhounds.  In the ensuing combat the Fire Giants and their hounds are all slain. On their return Grettir has the fire-resistant hide of a Hellhound made into a gambeson to wear under his armour.


Ref A17

OE Date: Summer 676

Characters:  Grettir, Nickar, Salrod, Gerindar, Marna, Shizarem.  NPCs: Yog

Real World: When – New Year 1981 ; Where – St Andrews (Gatty)

2 thoughts on “Vulcanheim”

  1. I suspect that this is the trip where I left a hallucinatory forest in Vulcanheim to mark our passing. It did, of course, look spectacularly out of place. (Girindor)


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