Grettir and Ivar lead a party of druids and dwarves into the Wood of Itaen, to the southeast of Sequarl. They make slow progress, being heavily laden and having to contend with winter weather. However, they make their way from the eastern edge of Itaen to the south-western foothills of the Edgewere Mountains, where they detect the remains of some abandoned dwarven workings. They have a number of minor encounters and a major fight with an orc band. Dain is killed.
Ref: A21
OE Date: Winter 676-677
Characters: Grettir, Ivar, Gerindar, Larna, Rosith, Bargin, Dain . NPCs: Eargh, Asgoth
Real World: When – 2nd Term 1981 ; Where – St Andrews (South Street)
This was a first Old Empire game for the late, lamented Pete Shepherd (Bargin)