A party comprising a Ranger, an elf, two dwarves, an oversized human priest, an apprentice alchemist and a charming and shapely sorceress set off on foot with no firm plan. They embark upon extended foot slog through the Dearth Wood and beyond in the general direction North for many weeks. There are many encounters the most notable of which are a Gorgon, a Mountain Troll and two Fire Giants.
The Gorgon is a mighty brazen bull of plainly demonic origin. Yspadadden engages it in combat with no evident strategy in mind beyond striking it with his magic battle-axe. It proves resistant to this idea and makes its dissent clear by breathing fire at him. Fortunately, his comrades catch up and the demon is slain. It leaves a fine but not especially portable corpse. They help themselves to some of its ichor.
The Mountain Troll tries to snatch the lovely Marna and hold her hostage in a negotiation intended to part her comrades from their treasures. Marna, however, is not just a pretty face. She wriggles free and triggers her emergency Fly spell to escape, before blasting it with her magics. Her comrades trade blows with the troll, but it escapes and is not seen again.
The Fire Giants are well-equipped and fight intelligently. One has a fiery sword and a great shield. The other has a battle axe. In the combat Marna gets too close. A fine sorceress, she is unfortunately no warrior. It also becomes apparent that she has not recharged her instant fly spell since the encounter with the mountain troll. Unable to escape the combat zone, she is cut down by the giant’s Muspell blade. The Giants retreat in good order while the party healers try to patch up Marna: to no avail – she is cut almost in half. Her comrades speculate as to why she hadn’t recharged her fly spell. Did she forget? Or was it that she just couldn’t be arsed.
Ref: B-10
OE Date: February 678
Characters: Ktal, Lorandil, Silden, Yspdadden, Spjallbodi, Fade, Marna. NPCs:
Real World: When – Summer 1981 (WedCon 1); Where – Ayr