Grettir speaks to the High Council about the Ogri threat and gives a report on the orc attack on the North-West Tower. He is supported by the King and various measures are set in train for the defence of the realm. The costs of these are largely borne by the Crown and by the Lords of the interior. To Grettir’s delight, the Marcher Lords (Kriggs, Sequarl and Serguilin) are exempt.
Grettir mounts a reconaissance in strength with sledges and skiers to the west of Sequarl. It is late winter in the coldest year and the land appears quiet – perhaps unusually so, or perhaps the force is strong enough that all flee before it. Just short of the Edgewere they witness a great blue flash on the far western horizon that silhouettes the peaks. They return to inform the King and make further plans.
Ref: C-2b
OE Date: March 685
Characters: Grettir, Paradoxides, Shizarem, Gadan NPCs: Kinness, Eric the Bow, Yngael, Adhils, Adderbarg, Giziar, Eargh, Gron Masny, Tarek Yellowhair
Real World: When – Summer 1987; Where – St Andrews – Damside (pre-con)