Grettir decides to help his Serguilin allies. He musters a large force to attack an orc den that the elves have identified in the Dearthwood. It is April but the snow still lies thickly upon the ground so Grettir mounts his force upon sleighs so they can arrive quickly and surprise their foes. They crush initial resistance at the front entrance and pile into the passages beyond which seem oddly deserted. Eventually they find a Great Hall crammed with Orcs including many sorcerors casting Black Magics. The dwarves, Borin and Dalin, are slain when they open the door and are buried under a frenzied orcish wave attack. However, the next rank of the party including Grettir himself, hold firm and eventually all orcish resistance is crushed. There is much loot.
Ref: C-4
OE Date: April 685
Characters: Grettir, Jason, Girindor, Eormanric, Azdash, Kolgrim, Meldor, Paradoxides, Corrie NPCs: Borin, Dalin, Randir, Gambelion, Adhils, Adderbarg, Giziar, Yngael and other Sequarl troops
Real World: When – Summer 1987; Where – St Andrews – Damside