The Hour of Doom

Eggo, Paradoxides and Nickar, the human bearers of the Sarn-Tur, set off for the Black Pyramid in the Edgewere.  Their mission is to destroy the Ogri.  Still waking from their millennia of sleep, the Ogri have no answer to the wrath of the three elven gems.  The Black Pyramid is utterly destroyed and with it the Ogri.  However, such is the devastation caused that the three humans are caught up in it.  They would have perished had Eggo not used the powers of Tur-na-Mir to create a small reality bubble as a refuge for the three of them from the forces of destruction unleashed all around them.  However, time passed differently for them in the bubble and it would be many months ere they were seen on Middle-Earth again.


OE Date: December 685

Characters: Eggo, Paradoxides, Nickar  NPCs:

Real World: When – 1989; Where – Totton

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