Wilfred Stefson has a pressing invitation to attend the family feast at Yule. However, it seems that the feast cannot be enjoyed without an appetizer of vengeance. As the hard man of the family, this falls to Wilf to provide. He is advised to bring friends, so he turns up with Jason, the dwarf Yspadadden and a young lad called Beren.
It seems that Wilf’s step-sister Franfara was seduced by a cad Mikail, the bastard of the local lord, and then cast aside. When Wilf’s brother Ulfred goes to demand a weregild for this he is badly beaten by Mikail’s henchmen and critically injured. To further make a point this charming man has now abducted their sister Rowena.
Further detail is unnecessary for Wilf. He and his comrades turn up at the hamlet where Mikail and his bravos hang out. An angry Franfara joins them. They break down the palisade, kick in the door of the great hall and set about Mikail and a dozen or so henchmen. Those henchmen who do not flee in time are slaughtered. Mikhail staggers out of the hall, severely wounded and manages to find a horse and escape.
Through the good offices of Conrad Fitzhugh (D1), who is also from this area and owes Wilf a favour, a district Thing is called. Mikhail is outlawed and his family charged a double weregild. Wilf gains great status from this action and a new brother-in-law. Jason, impressed with her pluck and generally feisty attitude, marries Franfara.
OE Date: Yule 685
Characters: Wilf, Yspadadden, Jason, Beren NPCs: Franfara
Real World: When – 1989; Where – Putney