Yspadadden organises an expedition into the sewers under Chittagong with Wilf, Ranulf and Ranji Rat once more as a guide. He intends a more considered reconaissance of the area where he discovered the Starguard (B50) some six years previously. However, the party encounter a giant slug in a narrow passage. Wilf is badly wounded by its rasping tongue and Ranulf discovers that his beloved warhammer, is of little effect on the creature’s tough hide and rubbery flesh. They beat an orderly retreat and give up on the project.
On his return to the surface, Yspadadden is served a writ. It is from the Kriggs lord William the Marshall who demands his presence at his castle to answer some urgent questions. The dwarf mislikes the idea of putting himself into the power of this human lord and doubts the legality of the writ in Chittagong. As it happens he is currently contracted to Axillius Redbeard, a Master of the Guild of Magicians to build him some demon-trapping cages. He seeks his advice and Axillius agrees to go and talk to William and find out why he so urgently needs to speak to the Yspadadden. He takes with him a letter from the Dwarf, basically saying that whatever he suspects him of he didn’t do it and that if push came to shove he could travel far beyond his power and simply outlive him.
Axillius returns looking grave. The Marshall would not say exactly why he wishes to speak to Yspadadden but appears very keen and deadly serious. He adds that he William the Marshall has the aura of a very dangerous man and it made him, though a great sorceror, nervous to be in the same room as him. He would not return to speak with him again. He did, however, bear a letter from him. It read:
Know This, Dwarf
I suspect you less now than once I did. If you would know my doubts then meet me on Nine Barrow Downe on a night of your choosing next week., and I will show you reasons for my suspicion.
I doubt if you will then blame me for my indecision. The World is full of darkness and confusion, and, as you say, Time is shorter for me than for you. Perhaps shorter than you guess, so I would know if you are my Enemy or not.
You say that my goodwill is more important to me than I may guess; if your words are true then your aid is likewise prised by me. If you play me false then you can guess at my deeds. If you are true than you could earn my true friendship. In this life I have few friends; those few have never wanted for any aid that was in my power to give.
I will say no more, for the time for words is past, by thy deeds I will know thee.
By My Hand, William le Marshall
OE Date: July 686
Characters: Yspadadden, Wilf, Ranulf NPCs: Ranji Rat
Real World: When – Autumn 1989; Where – Putney?