Rangers keeping watch over the orc movements in the Wood of Itaen report a large force of orcs and wolf-riders moving south towards Redhill, gargoyles flying above. A party of elves is sent by Girindor to rouse the Westdale and Holmdale gnome settlements. While the rangers and elves track the enemy, Grettir assembles his forces and rallies the gnomes to defend their homeland.
The orc-army approaches, led by Balchoth, an orcish sorceror and ally of Oglog. As both forces prepare for battle, Oglog sends further orc warbands in support and Balchoth summons a Wyvern steed. The armies close for battle, Balchoth flying above on his Wyvern is boldly attacked by a flying Girindor armed with a ring that delivers a lightning bolt. Balchoth returns fire with a Death Wand. The orc is wounded but the elf is struck down by its Black Magic. Balchoth gathers Girindor’s apparently lifeless body and throws it over the wyvern’s crupper , as the orcs cheer and the gnomes are dismayed. However, next it is Paradoxides who takes to the air. He too descends upon the orcish magician, shooting lightning as he comes, downing the wyvern and forcing Balchoth to land. Bravely (for he is no more than a middling warrior) he lands and engages Balchoth hand-to-hand. Paradoxides is wounded, but the orc is slain. Grettir sounds the charge. With their leader struck down, the orc army fares poorly in battle with the gnomes and their allies.
Much loot is gathered from the corpse of Balchoth, and the gnomes give thanks and gifts to the heroes who came to their defence. Grettir is presented with a fine, jewelled crown and proclaimed King of the Gnomes. What this actually means in practice is unclear, but there is no doubting their gratitude.
Girindor is transported swiftly by Sho-Rembo to the elven homeland. He lies near death for many days, but gradually recovers after much care by the healers who dwell there.
OE Date: January 688
Characters: Grettir, Salrod, Girindor, Sho-Rembo, Paradoxides NPCs: Assorted Sequarl personnel and the gnomish fyrd
Real World: When – 2nd March 1991; Where – Berkeley