The Weatherman

The Rangers report that a strange mist has descended upon region just to the south of the River Nidd.  Grettir raises a party of soldiers and adventurers and they ride south with the Rangers to the stone-built gatehouse Grettir has raised to guard the bridge over the river.  Girindor summons his Earth power and dispells the fog, revealing a goblin horde massing on the south bank for a raid on the Sequarl South Bridge district. The Sequarl forces and Rangers intercept the goblin warband and defeat it in a pitched battle. The hobgoblin leader is captured and made to reveal their orders.  They were instructed by Oglog to continue westwards to the fortified village of Meriad, situated where the Nidd meets the Otanga Estuary and to burn any ships they found there.



OE Date: April 688

Characters:  Grettir, Salrod, Girindor, Paradoxides, Gadan, Kolgrim  NPCs:  Rangers and Sequarl men

Real World: When – Summer 1991; Where – Berkeley?

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