Immediately after the events of D21, the Rangers of the Chittagong district carry out various spying missions, with this group being one of them. They also get involved with Nickar’s intention to visit an old ruin NW of Sequarl lands, which was briefly occupied by Eggo of the Holy Brotherhood, before the current orc-war started. The party deliver Nicker to target, and he duly incinerates an orc-band there. He departs in a puff of smoke after searching of the ruins, leaving the party to continue their spying mission. A tough band of orcs is encountered and overcome after a hard fight. Their leader is an orc magician and a number of rune-sticks are recovered for study.
OE Date: September 688
Characters: Aranath, Lorandil, Alyena NPCs:
Real World: 1993; Where – Berkeley
See also Salrod’s Diaries