Truce Time

October ended with a surprise package delivered to a house in Sequarl Village.  It was one of the captives of the Meriad raid.  She was alive and well, but tattooed across her back was a ransom demand for Grettir’s sister-in-law, Sitrin who was taken in the same action.   The thought of parting with 5000 gold pieces made Grettir grind his teeth.  However, it was, in truth, not an outrageous ransom for a high-born prisoner – particularly as it seemed to come with a proposal for a truce over winter.  He took this as an indication that his campaign of harrassment on orcish strongholds in the Wood of Itaen was having some effect.  No doubt they saw advantage to them in a cessation of hostilities, but the folk of Sequarl would equally be relieved for a winter safe from orc raids on their farms.  The return of the Kistin, laden with treasure from its raiding and trading ventures in the Southern Seas, doubtless eased Grettir’s concerns over money.  Nickar delivers ten talents of gold to the mountain tunnel in the Wood of Itaen.  Sitrin is returned unharmed and Sequarl enjoys six months of relative peace.  However, planning for a resumption of hostilities continues in both camps.

Over the winter, Grettir and Salrod visit Ivar Forkenbeard in his dwarven stronghold.  During this time Grettir also visits a lonely rock in the sea called Fowl’s Hough and speaks to the witch who dwells there; none know for sure what transpired between them.

In February Nickar comes to Grettir with a new idea.  He has been researching Polymorph spells with a view to infiltrating orcish strongholds. However, he recognises that transforming large men like Grettir and his huscarles into orcs is likely to reduce their effectiveness as fighters.  This was why he had previously been keen to apprehend a Mountain Troll subject for his experiments.  That had proved too difficult, so he now turned his attentions to Kur, who the orcs often employed as mercenaries.  At around seven foot tall, powerful and intelligent, with fast reactions and good fighting skills, he felt that they might be better vessels for human champions.  Asking around the adventurers for a location where he might plausibly find Kur, he is told by Salrod of Giant’s Pass, where he had previously encountered Kur.

Girindor Wind-Walks a strong party out to Giants Pass.  It does not include Nickar (pressure of work, he says) but does include Grettir’s house magician and librarian, Kojar, who can teleport.  They cast around for signs of Kur.  They find spore of Griffins, Giants and even a Dragon, but no Kur.  However, they do find a secure place for a teleport and forward base.  Kojar fetches Nickar, who makes arrangements to be able to scry the area from afar and teleports them home.



OE Date: Winter 688-689

Characters: Grettir, Salrod, Nickar, Girindor  NPCs: Kojar, Gambelion

Real World: October 1993; Where – Berkeley?

See also Salrod’s Diaries

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