Nickar sends word that he has skryed Kur in Giant’s Pass. Grettir scrambles a team comprising Salrod, Girindor, Banthil and Tilssiril, along with his armour bearer Eargh Skolson. Nickar teleports them to his scrying location in the pass, set up in D23. There are two Kur, plainly on a hunting expedition, who have set up a lean-to as a base. Some of the party secrete themselves in the hut; the others assume ambush positions outside. The ambush goes wrong but Grettir manages to entangle one of the Kur using a magic whip made of demon hair, and stun it with a blow to the head. Unfortunately, the other overpowers Tilissiril. She is carrying the demon sword, Kinslayer, and uses it to summon darkness. Unfortunately, this hampers her own would-be rescuers more than the Kur who makes off with her. The Kur eventually negotiates safe passage for her release.
Nickar teleports back to base with the captured Kur, making arrangements to pick up the party later. They take the opportunity to explore. Girindor summons the wind and carries them northwards, There they find a huge body of fresh water that they call the Inland Sea and note a number of islands upon it, including one more than ten miles across. They also see volcanos on the southern side, where Salrod tells them he once sacked a Giant’s Castle (D5). They rendezvous with Nickar and he takes them home.
Over the next few months Grettir would frequently visit the Northwest Tower where Nickar had taken up residence, there to talk to the Kur captive and take its measure. Despite its bestial appearance Grettir finds it to be surprisingly intelligent (he never could beat it at chess), thoughtful and honourable. It was highly reticent about any subject that might reveal anything about its people and their dwelling places. Eventually, once he has discovered all he needs, Nickar lets it go.
OE Date: March 689
Characters: Grettir, Salrod, Tilissiril, Banthil, Girindor, Nickar NPCs: Eargh
Real World: October 1993; Where – Putney
See also Salrod’s Diaries
I looked at my notes and I have included a prequel to this when Grettir and Salrod swam out to a skerry at Fowels Heuch to visit the witch Sybil. After discussion Grettir agreed to kill Stelgano in exchange for the witch making a whip from the hair of the Elouen. We pursued him in E11. I remember that encounter very well and I am pretty sure it was at your place, which I think by then was probably Surbiton. I suspect that everyone else was there, but in another room, while we ran this, prior to the rest of the events, but it could have been run separately. Is there a reason why you didn’t include that? Or are you going to add it later?