The party is joined by a newcomer. Spjallbodi is a genial giant of a man and an Odin Priest. Exploring the wilderness beyond the Chittagong cultivated lands they discover a slab of inscribed stone set in a cliff that marks the Tomb of Kolvar, a hero of ancient times, known for slaying fell beasts at a time when the Old Empire was still establishing itself in those parts. The inscription goes:
“Kolvar lies behind the stone, fell in darkness none may atone, lost to life and lost to light, hewn in twain by cave-troll’s might.”
Intent on entering the tomb and finding its treasures, the party return briefly to Chittagong to obtain suitable tools as directed by the two dwarves in the party, Silden and Yspadadden. At the cliff face, they pry out the inscribed slab. Before them is a dark opening.
Talk of Cave Trolls makes the party nervous. The dwarves in particular know that these fearsome beasts lurk in dark places for they cannot abide the light of the sun. They are patient and hard to discern in the dark. They like to lie in wait and fall upon the unwary as a wall might, crushing them in an instant. Yspadadden as a weaponsmith knows a few spells, including one to detect life. With his spell running Yspadadden leads the party into the tunnel. It proves a lifesaver for it provides warning of the hidden presence of the Cave Troll before it can enact its ambush but, imprisoned here for hundreds of years to guard the tomb of its last victim, it is a ferocious antagonist. At length though it falls to the combined onslaught of the party of warriors and wizards. Exporing further they find Kolvar’s tomb and loot its treasures.
Ref: B-9
OE Date: January 678
Characters: Tilissiril, Spjallbodi, Silden, Marna, Yspdadden. NPCs:
Real World: When – Summer 1981 (WedCon 1); Where – St Andrews (Whitehill Terrace)