Prince Aran, the heir to the Kingdom of Chittagong turns up to the Harvest festival and three weeks of feasting and martial games ensues. This is considered a great honour.
Once the guests are gone Grettir is free to take a trip up the West Otanga, into the Edgewere on Ktal’s river boat. They fight some Kur. Then they pursue some mountain goblins to a very rich den full of artefacts from the Old Empire. Nearby, in a cave behind a waterfall a stone troll is encountered in a narrow tunnel. Grettir gets his magic great iron shield smashed by the troll as he slowly covers the party’s retreat back up the tunnel to the sunlight. On his return he hangs the remnants of his shield upon the wall in his Great Hall.
Ref: B-38
OE Date: September 679
Characters: Grettir, Salrod, Eormanric, Paradoxides, Corrie, Eldamar, Ktal NPCs: Eargh
Real World: When – 2nd Term, 1982 ; Where – St Andrews