Eggo and Yspadadden return to the place they know as the Naga Dungeon (B2, B30). Ivar, Silden and Paradoxides are with them. The find that a band of orcs has once more made camp in the upper levels of the ruin, but these perish under the axes of the dwarves. Yspadadden finds once more the secret door that leads below to where they previously discovered zombie guards. After a few more encounters with zombie guards, they discover an ancient library. This is the library of Koralev an ancient Imperial Sorceror of some fame. Somewhat at a loss as to what should be done with such a treasure, they decide to trade information of the location to the Chittagong Guild for a favour each. Yspadadden takes his in the form of magical assistance from Nickar in forging his first magic weapon.
Ref: B-53
OE Date: November – 680
Characters: Ivar, Eggo, Silden, Yspadadden, Paradoxides. NPCs:
Real World: When – Summer 1982 ; Where – St Andrews (The Pit)