Grettir and his friends root out a den of wolves and werewolves in a cave in the Wilds. At the back of the cave they find a secret door. This leads to a dwarven bolt hole – an emergency refuge. Exploring this small space they discover an undead dwarven hero who plainly took refuge there in time of trouble. Grettir is forced to fight him in a confined space better suited to the dwarf. Party finds a store of kuriko (dwarven licquor). However, the main treasure is the dwarf’s equipment – magic platemail and an axe called Shield Witch. Rather than sell it in Chittagong, Grettir decides to present it to Dain Ironhelm the King of Katelgroth – the foremost dwarven city of the age – along with the story of its taking. Dain thanks him for his consideration in returning important dwarven heirlooms. He presents Grettir with a Bar of Gold – a dwarven measure of exchange that represents a huge number of Chittagong gold pieces – easily comparable to the street value of the items in Chittagong.
Ref: B-70 (a/b)
OE Date: September 682
Characters: Grettir, Paradoxides, Trevillion, Wilf NPCs: Kojar, Yngael, Giziar
Real World: When – New Year 1984; Where – St Andrews (The Pit)
(The trip is split into a and b because Wilf was present for a but not b)