With the developing orc-menace in the west, Grettir decides to build a new Tower to guard the northwestern approaches to Sequarl. He hires a crew of dwarves to build it and the King in Chittagong, who approves the project, sends several wagon loads of stone and a mangonel. It is ready by the end of Autumn 684 and Grettir installs a small garrison under the command of Salrod. Salrod is joined by the adventurers Wilf and Trevillion. Paradoxides also takes an interest in the project from the start and decides to make it his base for the winter.
Just after Yule a large orc force accompanied by many wolves and wargs sweeps in along the Black Road and invests the Tower. After taking its measure for a couple of days they endeavour to storm it, using black magic and demonic summonings (stirges and a gargoyle). They encounter a determined defence, with much bravery and resilience shown by the Sequarl forces and their volunteer allies in the face of nearly overwhelming odds and deadly sorcery. In the end it was a near run thing. The day is saved by the intervention of Paradoxides and his magics. All agree that the orcs showed a previously unseen level of organisation, leadership and tenacity.
Ref: B-80
OE Date: January 685
Characters: Salrod, Paradoxides, Wilf, Trevillion NPCs: Adderbarg and a crew of Sequarl soldiers
Real World: When – 1986; Where – South Africa
(By correspondence)