Responding to reports of a Frost Giant terrorising farmhouses in western Sequarl, Grettir takes some of his top huscarles, along with Eric the Bow as a tracker and his armour bearer Eargh Skolson to investigate. It is still winter and the snow lies thick on the ground. Taking an idea from the recent Orcish attack, the party mount themselves upon sleighs. The weather is very poor, and as they search for tracks of the giant it worsens. While the party makes camp, Paradoxides takes to the air to see if he can see anything, but as he does so a blizzard sweeps in and he now can no longer even see the camp. Thus he is not present when the first head-sized boulder flies out of the driving snow and hits Grettir in the head, stunning him. A huge Frost Giant steps out of the blizzard accompanied by a great white wolf. The giant lays about it with a great axe and almost all of the party sustain wounds – some of them quite serious – before the ice-giant flees and its companion is laid low. A frozen Paradoxides flies in shortly afterwards.
That night is disturbed by a hell-walker – a draugr with flashing eyes that hold a glint of unnatural terror for those who catch its gaze. Most of the huscarles quail at its baleful glance and Grettir himself is ensorcelled and tries to run off screaming into the night. He is tackled to the ground by Eargh lest he disappear into the snow. Meanwhile those who are able to overcome the draugr’s spell find that iron weapons do not bite upon it. In the end the day is saved by Eargh who snatches up his master’s ancient and magical blade, Troll-biter. He strikes the draugr a mighty blow with it and it crumbles to dust.
Paradoxides teleports Kolgrim who was wounded badly in both fights, back to base for treatment. He returns with the news that Grettir has been summoned to the King’s Council.
Ref: C-2a
OE Date: February 685
Characters: Grettir, Paradoxides, Kolgrim NPCs: Eric the Bow, Yngael, Adhils, Giziar, Eargh
Real World: When – 1986; Where – South Africa
(By correspondence)