In the Elven Homelands Sho Rembo investigates the Gem from the Pyramids. It is called Tur-na-Mir and is sentient. It was created millennia ago by the High Elves as a weapon in their war against the Ogri, a war that they barely won. In the struggle the Earth was sundered and most of the surviving High Elves left Middle Earth. Tur-na-Mir was one of five such gems. As previously surmised it was set to imprison the Ogri for eternity.
As they are investigating the Gem, a High Elf called Hexarxes appears in the Elven Homelands. He explains to the Elves the consequences of removing Tur na Mir, and delivers a prophecy. The elves need to decide whether to stay on Middle Earth or leave. He opens a Rainbow Bridge to take any who wish to leave to another plane.
Ref: C-3
OE Date: March 685
Characters: Sho Rembo, Eggo, Eormanric NPCs:
Real World: When – Summer 1987; Where – St Andrews – Damside (pre-con)