Grettir, Paradoxides and Lorandil take a small boat across the Otanga Estuary and explore the wild lands south of Akurr. They are accompanied by Huscarles Giziar and Ingvar along with faithful Eargh Skolson. They spot a cave in a cliff-face and surprise a Fire Giant in its lair. It proves to be a lucrative hit. Aside from a store of gold and silver the giant possesses a flaming Muspell Sword, an ioun stone, a magic potion and (though he seemed an unlikely literary gent) a grimoire with a snake theme. Some horsetrading takes place between Grettir’s two huscarles as Giziar upgrades to a Muspell blade while Ingvar gets Giziar’s old magic blade.
Ref: C-7
OE Date: May 685
Characters: Grettir, Paradoxides, Lorandil NPCs: Giziar, Ingvar, Eargh
Real World: When – Summer 1987; Where – Marchwood