Cock on the Block

Grettir turns his attention to the haunted marsh of Redmere and the pink granite mine that was rumoured once to have been a rich source of income for Sequarl.  They cross the marsh without great alarums and locate the old quarry workings.  There they encounter the cause of all the hauntings – a demon in the form of an amorphous blob of ectoplasm.  This proves impervious to even the magic blades of Grettir and his huscarles.  Paradoxides, with some magical support from Kojar goes mano-a-mano with the demonic blob, putting his very soul on the line.  He comes away victorious as the blob disolves into a pool of sticky ichor.  The warriors dispose of a band of troglodytes who appear to have been worshipping the demonic entity.


Ref: C-8

OE Date: May-June 685

Characters: Grettir, Paradoxides, Trevillion  NPCs: Kojar, Giziar, Adhils

Real World: When – Early 1988; Where – Marchwood

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