The Black Sword

After the frustrations of the previous couple of trips (D19), Grettir gathers a stronger party with the intention of returning to the Orc Mound.  As well as his huscarles Adhils and the rune-wise Kolgrim, the sorceress Tilissiril and the rogue magician Banthil join the team.  However, an initial reconaissance reveals that the enemy too are reinforced with more orc-bands and gargoyles.  After a rethink they decide to turn their attentions to the nearby ruined tower full of goblins.

The goblins are easily dealt with by such a strong party.  Exploration of the rubble in the basement reveals a stone slab with orcish runes of warning and warding carved crudely upon it.  There are plenty of strong-armed warriors on hand to pull it out of the ground to reveal steps.  Below they discover an ancient wizard’s maze, that has plainly lain undisturbed for centuries.

Banthil goes ahead of the party, using his skills to seek for pits and mechanical traps.  He finds plenty – blundering into each in turn.  Nevertheless, each time, after the healers have patched him up, he gamely resumes his place in the vanguard.  He leads them through the maze in which headless warriors in plate armour wielding two-handed swords step out of the wall to strike anywhere in the line of adventurers.  “Mordhu,” spits Grettir in disgust as he slays one before it can assume its non-corpereal form once more to fade into the wall.  It seems that the Mordhu are necromantically enslaved undead warriors.  Grettir predicts that their heads will be hidden somewhere near and must be found to ensure that they are permanently destroyed.

A door in the far side of a triangular hall leads to what is plainly a wizard’s lair, in the centre of which is a snaky, many-armed demon.  Tilisseril – who claims some expertise in this matter – speaks with the demon.  She cannot bend it to her will, but does elicit that it is in a “Sword Pact”.  This means that should anyone draw a sword all the other demons in the pact (an unknown number) will descend upon them.  The warriors all look at each other: they all carry magic swords.  Only Tilissiril carries a spear. After a discussion – the demon seems content to wait – someone remembers that Adhils, who has been left on guard in the tower above with Kolgrim and Gambelion, has a rune-carved mace.  Banthil leads Salrod back through the maze to borrow it.  (Adhils raises an eyebrow but does not insist that Salrod should guard the Tower and give him the honour).

Salrod with the mace and Grettir, armed with Tilissiril’s spear, step forward to engage the demon.  Everything goes black as the demon snuffs out all the lights.  Only Grettir, with his helm, the Master of Fire, can see clearly, as more Mordhu emerge from the walls to engage the rest of the party.  A desperate struggle in the darkness ensues. Grettir drops the spear which is proving ineffective, and draws dagger to close with the demon.  The demon wraps its coils around Grettir and squeezes, meanwhile still striking at Salrod with a sword in each of its six hands.  Though struggling for breath and feeling his ribs begin to crack, Grettir repeatedly stabs with his daggers until the demon suddenly disappears and transforms into a black sword that falls to the ground with a clang.  The lights come on again and the remaining Mordhu are dispatched.

A search of the room reveals a collection of books, manuscripts and artefacts clearly belonging to an ancient sorceror with a specialism in demonic summoning.  Tilissiril is especially pleased. The search also reveals the location of all the Mordhu heads.  Grettir insists that they should be taken to the temple of Osiris to be freed from their evil servitude.  The guards send down word that enemy forces are massing outside the tower.  The party torches the ruined tower and blocks themselves magically within the wizard’s lair. Paradoxides teleports them home.


OE Date: September 688

Characters: Grettir, Salrod, Girindor, Paradoxides, Wilf, Jason, Aranath, Tilissiril, Banthil, Kolgrim  NPCs: Gambelion, Adhils

Real World: 8th January 1993; Where – Tetbury

See also Salrod’s Diaries

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