The Sequarl Dungeon

Sometime after Grettir’s nuptuals, the party return to the exploration of the secret dungeon under Sequarl. This time they go with the blessing of Yithmak, who is no fool and negotiates a half share of everything found down there along with all artefacts associated with the House.

They discover the Old Imperial Treasury of the House of Sequarl.  This comprises a large quantity of gold and silver bars, as well as a number of artefacts.  It is guarded by 5 undead warriors, wielding battle-axes and wearing neck-rings that make them difficult to hit. After a stiff fight the party prevails.

Beyond the Treasury they find a cave with a large black rock in its centre with a red liquid oozing from it.  Grettir knows that blood dripping from a black rock is the insignia of the House of Sequarl . He gathers the liquid and drinks it.  This makes him both stronger and wiser.  Aradan is outraged that Grettir should do this without consulting the rest of the party, but Grettir claims the liquid as an artefact belonging to the House Sequarl according to the agreement with Yithmak.  He doubts Yithmak will object to his heir drinking it.

They explore further and encounter a sorcerous lich guarded by Stone Warriors, that seem beyond the skill of Grettir and Yog to defeat. However, Nickar cunningly disposes of the Stone Warriors by casting a spell to Reverse Gravity upon the area where they stand.  They fall suddenly upwards and then downwards, as the spell expires, smashing into pieces. The lich casts a Cloud Kill to send poisonous gas wafting down the passage towards the party.  Nickar uses a Wall of Force to thwart this and when the foul air disipates, the lich is cut down in a welter of blows and spells. A substantial library of spells is found in the lich’s quarters.

Yithmak is delighted with the haul and even half the total is enough to give a goodly profit to the party members.  The artefacts in the treasury include a Belt of Giant Strength a set of Imperial plate armour and a magic morning star.  It is agreed that the spell library will stay in Sequarl but that any magician in the party may study the scrolls held there.

Ref A16b

OE Date: Summer 676

Characters:  Grettir, Nickar, Aradan, Silden, Salrod, Shizarem, Alberic.  NPCs: Yog, Eargh Skolson, Yithmak the White

Real World: When – New Year 1981 ; Where – St Andrews (Gatty)

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