The Heist

The group is joined by a dwarf called Urgin Axehaft and an elven fighter-magician called Tilissiril.  The encounter bandits, wolves and pull off a heist.   Ref: B-5 OE Date: November 677 Characters: Banthil, Tilissiril, Rigon, Bremmin, Alberic, Urgin Axehaft.  NPCs: Real World: When – Summer 1981 (WedCon 1); Where – St Andrews (Whitehill Terrace)

Spirit Naga

The party are joined by a dwarf called Yspadadden.  He says he is a weaponsmith and carries a lot of axes.  They explore a ruin, kill some orcs and encounter a Spirit Naga which they slay.  Unfortunately, Alsram receives a crippling wound and retires from the active life to become a librarian in his monastery.  … Read more

The House of Bagurn and After

Grettir has been employing researchers in Chittagong to scour old manuscripts in the city’s libraries for mention of ancient sites in and around Sequarl.  They discover that there was another noble house to the west of the Sequarl, the House of Bagurn.  Unlike Sequarl, they had no Black Rock keep to allow them to resist … Read more

Seven Troll Shootout

The party explore the Shihalion mountains a range even further to the west of the Edgewere.  One night their campsite is attacked by a family of seven forest trolls – a truly unprecedented number – and matters look grave at one point.  Grettir finds himself fighting off three of them with his great iron shield.  … Read more