
On the night appointed, Yspadadden summoned the Night Wind and bade it carry him to the Nine Barrow Downe, there to meet with William the Marshall.  The Marshall awaited him there, armed and armoured and carrying a strange sceptre that the Dwarf could immediately tell was an ancient and eldritch artefact.  The Marshall greeted him … Read more

The Slug

Yspadadden organises an expedition into the sewers under Chittagong with Wilf, Ranulf and Ranji Rat once more as a guide.  He intends a more considered reconaissance of the area where he discovered the Starguard (B50) some six years previously.  However, the party encounter a giant slug in a narrow passage.  Wilf is badly wounded by … Read more

The Giants’ Castle

Yspadadden has a cunning plan to recover Gore Raver. Gore Raver was the axe dropped by Silden when he transformed into a werebear and ate the gnome (B22) back in 678.  It was presumed to have been picked up by the Fire Giant they were fighting at the time.  The axe was a powerful Dwarven … Read more

Winter War

Gadan and the Rangers bring in a report on a large orcish force with kur, wolf riders and sledges.  Although still winter in the coldest year, the weather is clear enough and the ground hard enough for Grettir to mount up his men as a cavalry force, with Rangers scouting ahead on skiis.  They intercept … Read more

Winter of Discontent

One night around Yule an orcish arrow thunks into the main gate of Sequarl castle.  Wrapped around it is an invitation for the “Stone King” to come to a parley at Orc Rock, a well known landmark on the edge of Sequarl.  Grettir attends with a force of his men in case of treachery.  There … Read more

Do It The Hard Way

A man called Frizarian, who describes himself as a healer, hires Wilfred and a dwarf called Ranulf as bodyguards for himself and his ward, a young lady who he says is sick. They agree to escort them to his dwelling place in the badlands north of Sequarl and south of the West Otanga river.  The … Read more

The Search for the Sarn-Tur

The Mission A deputation of Elves approaches Grettir, Paradoxides, Gadan and Kinness with a highly dangerous mission to save the world. “So, just so I understand”, says Grettir, “If we have three Sarn Tur – these immensely powerful High Elven gems – we have half a chance of defeating the Ogri.  There were five, but … Read more

Fair Whack at the Crypt

Grettir, Paradoxides and Wilfred Stephson go tomb-robbing.  Grettir brings huscarles Kolgrim and Giziar along with his trusty armour bearer Eargh.  Wilf has his new armour-bearer, Chestyn, with him.  Down in the crypt they encounter mummies and a spectre. Kolgrim is sucked by the spectre.  Though eventually he recovers, forever after there is a white streak … Read more