
Paradoxides leads an expedition down the sewers with a young warrior called Wilf Stefson and the two professionals, Galf Blackshield and Ranji Rat.  They encounter Ghouls in abundance. Paradoxides and Wilf are paralysed by ghoul-venom and have to be dragged out by Galf and Ranji. Paradoxides swears never to go underground again.   Ref: B-60 … Read more

Fight with a Giant

Paradoxides goes out adventuring with Jason, a large Southerner who carries a heavy crossbow, a fellow called Hatchet Rack and Galf Blackshield.  They encounter a band of Orcs with a Hill Giant.  There is a brutal fight in which the giant takes down both Jason and Paradoxides.  Galf saves the day by killing the Giant, … Read more

Black Bjorn

For reasons now forgotten, Grettir and Paradoxides decide to take a small boat – a fishing smack – along the coast between the Otanga estuary and Port Town.  They have with them Givnic, Grettir’s huscarle Giziar, his armour bearer Eargh Skolson and a couple of Sequarl veterans as crewmen.  En route they encounter a longship … Read more

Hun in the Sun

Eggo is Wind-Walking a party including Nickar, Paradoxides, Grettir and his promising young huscarle, Giziar, to the north of Chittagong.  They spot a suspicious-looking mule-train heading into the Wilds.  Recently, Orcs all over the Chittagong region seem to be coming into possession of good weapons and armour of recent human manufacture.  There has been much … Read more

Pyramid Investigation

The party decide to return to the Great Pyramid in the Edgewere for a further investigation.  The entrance no longer presents a challenge and they penetrate the maze at the centre of the pyramid.  Ivar demonstrates the dwarven method with trapped doors – by kicking them down and absorbing whatever damage is handed out by … Read more

Gathering Herbs

Paradoxides takes a small party out to search for herbs in the early spring.  They avoid an encounter with a Fire Giant.  In a glade in the woods they spot a Pegasus.  They try to win over this magically rare creature but it takes fright and flies away.  Shortly after they meet an elf called … Read more