Long-haul Boat Trip

The party take Ktal’s river trader up the West Otanga far to the north west. Roughly here the river turns north the Black Road continues westward they find a Kur watch-post on a high point that they subsequently call Spy Rock. Further up-river they repel two trolls that attack the boat. They track the trolls … Read more

Fine Roast Pork

Eormanric retains a Chittagong Sage at great cost to research ancient imperial sites that might offer up plunder.  The Sage directs him to the (well known) Sunken Marsh City of Yarr, some days march beyond the southern boarder of Sequarl, along the trade route to the Sand Lands. It is spring of the hottest year … Read more

The Sewers

The party venture down the Chittagong sewers.  They slay a crawler – a many legged thing that pounces on them from the ceiling of a tunnel.  Then they encounter a giant water-serpent that lurks in the sewer channel.  Finally they meet a group of skeletons, that includes one that can cast magic.  When they are … Read more

The Sewers Again

Paradoxides, Lorandil and Yspadadden decide to explore the ancient Chittagong sewers again.  This time they take along some professionals to show them the ropes – Galf Blackshield, Axe-heidrek and the rogue Rangi Rat. They encounter and kill a pack of Wererats (one of whom has a magic shortsword). Their experts tell them that these are … Read more

Wol Island

The party set off down the Otanga estuary and out to sea in Paradoxides’ faering.  They discover and explore a small island.  Eochan the Pict is surprised and killed by a giant flightless owl. Peredur is seduced by a sea nymph. Paradoxides and Galf return alone.   Ref: B-51 OE Date: July – 680 Characters: … Read more

Tomes of Koralev

Eggo and Yspadadden return to the place they know as the Naga Dungeon (B2, B30).  Ivar, Silden and Paradoxides are with them.  The find that a band of orcs has once more made camp in the upper levels of the ruin, but these perish under the axes of the dwarves.  Yspadadden finds once more the … Read more

Apocalypse Now

A powerful group including Grettir, Ivar Nickar and a bunch of lesser sorcerors all with the power of flight go out looking for trouble.  They discover orc activity and track it back to a track up the side of a ravine in the mountains.  They can see the ravine further up is spanned by a … Read more