The Draugr
The party is commissioned by a rich farmer to deal with a troublesome draugr. Ref: B-29 OE Date: November 678 Characters: Gerindar, Siabod, Svein, Horic. NPCs: Real World: When – 2nd Term 1982 ; Where – St Andrews (Winram Place)
The party is commissioned by a rich farmer to deal with a troublesome draugr. Ref: B-29 OE Date: November 678 Characters: Gerindar, Siabod, Svein, Horic. NPCs: Real World: When – 2nd Term 1982 ; Where – St Andrews (Winram Place)
Paradoxides takes a bunch of tyros out into the Otanga estuary in his faering. The encounter some sea-dead. Ref: B-52 OE Date: August – 680 Characters: Paradoxides, Horic, Little Wally, Smorsgabord. NPCs: Real World: When – Summer 1982 ; Where – St Andrews (The Pit)
Paradoxides takes a small party out to search for herbs in the early spring. They avoid an encounter with a Fire Giant. In a glade in the woods they spot a Pegasus. They try to win over this magically rare creature but it takes fright and flies away. Shortly after they meet an elf called … Read more