Winter Hunting
The party wipe out a small band of orcs. Ref: B-45 OE Date: to February – 680 Characters: Ktal, Asgaute, Zalgorin, Givnic, Phart, Dragomir. NPCs: Real World: When – 3rd Term, Spring 1982 ; Where – St Andrews (Warsoc)
The party wipe out a small band of orcs. Ref: B-45 OE Date: to February – 680 Characters: Ktal, Asgaute, Zalgorin, Givnic, Phart, Dragomir. NPCs: Real World: When – 3rd Term, Spring 1982 ; Where – St Andrews (Warsoc)
The party take Ktal’s river trader up the West Otanga far to the north west. Roughly here the river turns north the Black Road continues westward they find a Kur watch-post on a high point that they subsequently call Spy Rock. Further up-river they repel two trolls that attack the boat. They track the trolls … Read more
Eormanric retains a Chittagong Sage at great cost to research ancient imperial sites that might offer up plunder. The Sage directs him to the (well known) Sunken Marsh City of Yarr, some days march beyond the southern boarder of Sequarl, along the trade route to the Sand Lands. It is spring of the hottest year … Read more
The party take a long ride through the Wood of Itaen to Ringrond and return. En route they encounter an Orcish warband which they wipe out and note the location of an orc den. Grettir is elated at the beginning of the trip to have Trollbiter returned to him along with some other bits and … Read more
The party sail to the Sand Lands and back on a spying mission for the Rangers. Gron Masny, an experienced Ranger goes with them and a northern barbarian fighter-magician called Kolgrim, who is sworn to Grettir. They encounter a sea serpent en route and see it off. The Grettir buys a cargo for them as … Read more
Ktal pilots his river boat up the River Rin to Ringrond. On the way they discover and destroy a nest of Harpies. Amongst the loot they discover a demonic medallion which they trade the Guild Master, Tharakor the Cruel, when they return to Chittagong. Ref: B-65 OE Date: May 682 Characters: Ktal, Paradoxides, Jason, … Read more
Ktal takes his river boat up the Western Otanga. They encounter strong orcish activity. They are forced to abandoned the boat after a powerful orcish attack and march home overland. Ref: B-66 OE Date: June 682 Characters: Paradoxides, Lorandil, Frekki, Ktal, Gerindar, Wilfred, Mardan, Holt. NPCs: Real World: When – 1st Term 1983 ; … Read more