The House of Bagurn and After

Grettir has been employing researchers in Chittagong to scour old manuscripts in the city’s libraries for mention of ancient sites in and around Sequarl.  They discover that there was another noble house to the west of the Sequarl, the House of Bagurn.  Unlike Sequarl, they had no Black Rock keep to allow them to resist … Read more

The White Dragon and the Founding of Ringrond

Ivar Forkenbeard gathers a small group of dwarves, including the weaponsmith Yspadadden.  They are accompanied by old friends Sho Rembo and Eggo and the berserkers Yog the Beast and Eric Psychoson.  He returns to the mountainous region to the west of the Wood of Itaen that he visited with Grettir just over a year previously … Read more

Cold Drake

The party find and capture a cold drake. They then take a troll den. Ivar and Thoden depart – presumably Ivar has business in Ringrond.  Subsequently there is a battle with a Kur warband.   Ref: B-13 OE Date: April 678 Characters:  Sho Rembo, Gadan, Ktal, Ivar, Thoden Lartson, Eggo .  NPCs: Real World: When … Read more

Lair of the Ice Wyrm

The adventurers return to the House of Bagurn. They easily dispose of the remnants of the orcs they find there and discover a disused passage leading below the ruined castle.  There they find an icy-breathed wingless dragon which they slay after a fierce struggle. It sits upon a hoard much of which seems to date … Read more

The Trial of Aradan the Uncanny

Aradan is captured and put on trial in the Elven Homelands. The court is unconcerned about his crimes against humans but take a dim view of his attempt to kill his fellow elf Sho Rembo. A written character reference from his hobbit associate, Frekki, does not weigh in his favour. Aradan is stripped of at … Read more

Hot Ice for Old Rope

The party mounts a reconnaissance with disposable horses up into the Edgewere. They slay a Kur that proves to have five uncut diamonds in its pouch, carrying an adamantine angon and axe. They then fight off a number of Snow Trolls, taking pelts and blood for alchemical purposes. There then ensues a great deal of … Read more