The Heist

The group is joined by a dwarf called Urgin Axehaft and an elven fighter-magician called Tilissiril.  The encounter bandits, wolves and pull off a heist.   Ref: B-5 OE Date: November 677 Characters: Banthil, Tilissiril, Rigon, Bremmin, Alberic, Urgin Axehaft.  NPCs: Real World: When – Summer 1981 (WedCon 1); Where – St Andrews (Whitehill Terrace)

The Death of Grunt Monoslab

The party’s sleep is disturbed by a grim draugr. The berserker, Grunt Monoslab is the only one with the magic weapons to fight the draugr effectively.  He cuts it down but is mortally wounded in the process.  The party do little to succour their fallen comrade, but instead the loot his cooling body.  Grunt is … Read more

Miscellaneous Adventures

The party, which includes many new to the adventuring scene, use Ktal’s riverboat, sailing up the River Rin and through the Wood of Itaen on a resupply run to Ringrond, as a base for a number of expeditions. They encounter trolls, undead and a wyvern.   Ref: B-15 OE Date: Spring 678 Characters: Clarence, Siabod, … Read more

Death of Urgin Axe-haft

Salrod leads a party comprised of the elf Eormanric, the dwarf Urgin Axe-haft, a Ranger called Eyvind and another gnome by the name of Corrie, into the wilderness.  Their encounters include a wild boar, a stag, and a harpy.  They clear out a goblin hole. Combat a Fire Giant.  In their last encounter, Urgin Axe-Haft … Read more