The Sewers

The party venture down the Chittagong sewers.  They slay a crawler – a many legged thing that pounces on them from the ceiling of a tunnel.  Then they encounter a giant water-serpent that lurks in the sewer channel.  Finally they meet a group of skeletons, that includes one that can cast magic.  When they are … Read more

The Sewers Again

Paradoxides, Lorandil and Yspadadden decide to explore the ancient Chittagong sewers again.  This time they take along some professionals to show them the ropes – Galf Blackshield, Axe-heidrek and the rogue Rangi Rat. They encounter and kill a pack of Wererats (one of whom has a magic shortsword). Their experts tell them that these are … Read more

Tomes of Koralev

Eggo and Yspadadden return to the place they know as the Naga Dungeon (B2, B30).  Ivar, Silden and Paradoxides are with them.  The find that a band of orcs has once more made camp in the upper levels of the ruin, but these perish under the axes of the dwarves.  Yspadadden finds once more the … Read more

Rumble in the Rubble

Paradoxides purchases an old tower to be his base in Chittagong.  In its basement is an entrance to the sewers.  He and Yspadadden, along with Galf and Ranji descend to exploore the local environs.  They discover a huge area of rubble infested with wererats and human cultists.  They slaughter a phenomenal number of these before … Read more

The Giants’ Castle

Yspadadden has a cunning plan to recover Gore Raver. Gore Raver was the axe dropped by Silden when he transformed into a werebear and ate the gnome (B22) back in 678.  It was presumed to have been picked up by the Fire Giant they were fighting at the time.  The axe was a powerful Dwarven … Read more

The Slug

Yspadadden organises an expedition into the sewers under Chittagong with Wilf, Ranulf and Ranji Rat once more as a guide.  He intends a more considered reconaissance of the area where he discovered the Starguard (B50) some six years previously.  However, the party encounter a giant slug in a narrow passage.  Wilf is badly wounded by … Read more


On the night appointed, Yspadadden summoned the Night Wind and bade it carry him to the Nine Barrow Downe, there to meet with William the Marshall.  The Marshall awaited him there, armed and armoured and carrying a strange sceptre that the Dwarf could immediately tell was an ancient and eldritch artefact.  The Marshall greeted him … Read more