Hot Ice for Old Rope

The party mounts a reconnaissance with disposable horses up into the Edgewere. They slay a Kur that proves to have five uncut diamonds in its pouch, carrying an adamantine angon and axe. They then fight off a number of Snow Trolls, taking pelts and blood for alchemical purposes. There then ensues a great deal of … Read more


The party take a boat and explore a ruined Imperial castle near the swamp city of Yarr, known as Taras. One of Grettir’s huscarles goes along for extra muscle and sailing skills.  They find hostile troglodytes everywhere.  They do some mapping then return to Chittagong.  They take casualties who need the attentions of the Surgeon’s … Read more

Elven Spy Network

Some elves are trying to identify orc-trading routes in the Dearth Wood. Much lurking around. Failure to achieve much. The trip ends with an argument between Wilf and Trevillion that leads to a formal duel. Trevillion loses and is badly wounded in the leg, leaving him with a permanent limp.   Ref: B-73 OE Date: … Read more

Giants in the Dearthwood

Grettir has a go at following up leads from the elven reconnaissance (B73). They encounter two Giants in the Dearthwood and slay them. The loot includes an interesting magic ring that allows the wearer to go without sleep.   Ref: B-74 OE Date: September 683 Characters: Paradoxides, Grettir, Bramcheck  NPCs: Eric the Bow, Giziar, Eargh Real … Read more

Hall of the Mountain Kings

The party reconnoitres a mountain in the middle of the Wood of Itaen.  They believe it to contain the home of a Mountain Troll.  After a lot of exploration – much of it by magic – they discover a secret door in the Mountain Peak.  Nickar, by his arts is able to peek inside.  He … Read more