Balchoth’s End

Rangers keeping watch over the orc movements in the Wood of Itaen report a large force of orcs and wolf-riders moving south towards Redhill, gargoyles flying above.  A party of elves is sent by Girindor to rouse the Westdale and Holmdale gnome settlements. While the rangers and elves track the enemy, Grettir assembles his forces … Read more

A Walk in the Park

Paradoxides has now learnt Mass Teleport.  To celebrate he transports a small party to a cave deep in the Shiehelion range of the Edgewere Mountains.  The party includes one of a band of new Sequarl huscarles, a nuggety warrior called Gamrick who carried a battleaxe and wore a hauberk, along with Salrod and Grettir himself.  … Read more

Toad in the Hole

Paradoxides teleports the party to the Swamp-City of Yarr to investigate it in late winter, before the flies swarm and the crocodiles are active. The party explore the swamp and find ancient stones and tunnels that lead under the ruins. Exploring undeground, they encounter venemous snakes, a giant toad and lizard men.  Coming to a … Read more

Six Troll Shootout

Paradoxides uses his magic to convey the party back to the ogre den in the Shiehelion Mountains further to explore the wilderness in that area. Goblins foolishly attack the party and are slaughtered. However, Paradoxides captures one who, once made to speak, betrays the location of a troll family. They find the den entrance where … Read more

The Weatherman

The Rangers report that a strange mist has descended upon region just to the south of the River Nidd.  Grettir raises a party of soldiers and adventurers and they ride south with the Rangers to the stone-built gatehouse Grettir has raised to guard the bridge over the river.  Girindor summons his Earth power and dispells … Read more

A Walk on the Wild Side

Grettir receives a magical distress signal from his sloop, the Kistin.  Paradoxides teleports Grettir, Salrod and Girindor to its cabin and they find it waterlooged.  The ship has foundered just off the coast of Tyros, an island in the Southern Seas, famous for pirates, dangerous demonic beasts and perfumes.  They rescue those of the crew … Read more

The Return of Agent Orange

The party are in Tyros once more.  First order of business is to return to the spot where the Kistin foundered.  Paradoxides deploys his arts to summon Elementals to aid him in raising the ship and sailing it to Lyra. Whilst repairs are made in the harbour there, the party venture inland to explore the … Read more

Sea Weed

Repairs completed, the Kistin sails from from Tyros to Cos. Prior to leaving Tyros Grettir buys a useful slave.  Xephanos is a Healer from Ianda, enslaved by pirates. In return for his faithful service, Grettir undertakes to manumit him after a year and a day and either return him to Cos or retain him in … Read more

Top Cat

After the trading is done in the main port of Tabor, Grettir and the crew of the Kistin decide to take some rest and recuperation on the pleasant island and spend some time exploring its wild jungle interior.  Two discrete adventures ensue. A: Top-Cat  The party take a commission to aid a merchant, one Deinarion, … Read more

Nice Try (or Bugger the Tree, What About Me!)

19(a) Bugger the Tree, What About Me! The trip starts with an update on Wilf’s tour as a mercenary on board several ships and a great deal of shopping in the Dwarven city of Katelgroth. The party then turn their attention to another complicated scheme dreamt up by sorceror Nickar the Dangerous.  It involves the … Read more