Sleigh Army

Grettir decides to help his Serguilin allies.  He musters a large force to attack an orc den that the elves have identified in the Dearthwood. It is April but the snow still lies thickly upon the ground so Grettir mounts his force upon sleighs so they can arrive quickly and surprise their foes.  They crush … Read more

Orc Traders II

Another inconclusive elven reconnaisance, trailing suspected orc traders. The only achievement on this occasion is the discovery of a tunnel leading under the mountain in the Wood of Itaen, where the Hall of the Mountain Kings was believed to lie. An attempted ambush is rumbled by the orc-traders and the party have to bail out. … Read more

Fire Giant

Grettir, Paradoxides and Lorandil take a small boat across the Otanga Estuary and explore the wild lands south of Akurr.  They are accompanied by Huscarles Giziar and Ingvar along with faithful Eargh Skolson.  They spot a cave in a cliff-face and surprise a Fire Giant in its lair.  It proves to be a lucrative hit.  … Read more

Cock on the Block

Grettir turns his attention to the haunted marsh of Redmere and the pink granite mine that was rumoured once to have been a rich source of income for Sequarl.  They cross the marsh without great alarums and locate the old quarry workings.  There they encounter the cause of all the hauntings – a demon in … Read more

Rumble in the Rubble

Paradoxides purchases an old tower to be his base in Chittagong.  In its basement is an entrance to the sewers.  He and Yspadadden, along with Galf and Ranji descend to exploore the local environs.  They discover a huge area of rubble infested with wererats and human cultists.  They slaughter a phenomenal number of these before … Read more

The Wyvern That Never Was

They never did find that wyvern they set off to track down.  They did find some trolls.  They were ambushed by forest trolls in the Wood of Itaen and tracked them back to their den for a further fierce fight and loot.   Ref: C-10 OE Date: June-July 685 Characters: Grettir, Paradoxides, Lorandil, Wilfred, Kolgrim … Read more

Fair Whack at the Crypt

Grettir, Paradoxides and Wilfred Stephson go tomb-robbing.  Grettir brings huscarles Kolgrim and Giziar along with his trusty armour bearer Eargh.  Wilf has his new armour-bearer, Chestyn, with him.  Down in the crypt they encounter mummies and a spectre. Kolgrim is sucked by the spectre.  Though eventually he recovers, forever after there is a white streak … Read more

The Search for the Sarn-Tur

The Mission A deputation of Elves approaches Grettir, Paradoxides, Gadan and Kinness with a highly dangerous mission to save the world. “So, just so I understand”, says Grettir, “If we have three Sarn Tur – these immensely powerful High Elven gems – we have half a chance of defeating the Ogri.  There were five, but … Read more