The Hydra

Grettir takes a mounted patrol from Sequarl westwards along the great Black Rock Road.  They turn north and follow the West Otanga river to a body of water that they name the Lake of the Hippogriffs – because of the quantity of Hippogriffs they see there.  They fight off a River Serpent and discover a … Read more

Events at the Tower

With the developing orc-menace in the west, Grettir decides to build a new Tower to guard the northwestern approaches to Sequarl.  He hires a crew of dwarves to build it and the King in Chittagong, who approves the project, sends several wagon loads of stone and a mangonel.  It is ready by the end of … Read more

Sleigh Force

Grettir speaks to the High Council about the Ogri threat and gives a report on the orc attack on the North-West Tower.  He is supported by the King and various measures are set in train for the defence of the realm.  The costs of these are largely borne by the Crown and by the Lords … Read more

Sleigh Army

Grettir decides to help his Serguilin allies.  He musters a large force to attack an orc den that the elves have identified in the Dearthwood. It is April but the snow still lies thickly upon the ground so Grettir mounts his force upon sleighs so they can arrive quickly and surprise their foes.  They crush … Read more