Wyrm Rider
Nickar earns the title of Wyrm-Rider Ref: A4 OE Date: 673 Characters: Nickar, Eggo, Sho Rembo NPCs: Gadan, Yog, Kinness Real World: When – Summer 1980; Where – Aberdeen
Nickar earns the title of Wyrm-Rider Ref: A4 OE Date: 673 Characters: Nickar, Eggo, Sho Rembo NPCs: Gadan, Yog, Kinness Real World: When – Summer 1980; Where – Aberdeen
The party explore the High Edgewere Mountains. They obtain the Mace of Gloin, a Dwarven artefact that becomes Eggo’s habitual weapon. Ref: A7 OE Date: 673 Characters: Nickar, Eggo, Sho Rembo NPCs: Gadan, Yog, Kinness Real World: When – Summer 1980; Where – Aberdeen
A party comprising Eggo of the Holy Brotherhood of Osiris, the dwarf Ivar Forkenbeard, Kinness the Cunning and Grettir explores far to the west of the Ranger base in Edgewere Mountains. They are accompanied by a young slave named Eargh Skolson (a.ka. Erc the Jerk) who Grettir is training as his armour bearer. They find … Read more
Yog the Beast and Kiness the Cunning buy and fit out a small cog and take a voyage to the Ivory Coast, way to the south. They hire a professional helmsman called Orr Half-ear and recruit a large and multifarious crew that includes Grettir, the berserkers Eric, Clarence, Grunt and Brodin as well as the … Read more
Kinness the Cunning takes a boat trip with Shizarem his wife and his old friend Yog the Beast Ref: A31 OE Date: Summer 677 Characters: . NPCs: Real World: When – end of 3rd Term 1981 ; Where – St Andrews
For the first time since the attempt on his life, Grettir leads an expedition into the wilds. With him is his trusty retainer, Salrod. They encounter two Griffins, a Fire Giant – which seem mightily common this year – and a troll. Salrod obtains a magic helmet. Ref: B-25 OE Date: September 678 Characters: … Read more
Grettir leads an extended winter patrol to chase outlaws on western border of Sequarl. They track a forest troll and kill four trolls in the den they discover, garnering plenty of loot. Eldamar obtains a box that contains a beautiful magical crystal butterfly. They also encounter an unusual quantity of orcs, and note many orc … Read more
Grettir speaks to the High Council about the Ogri threat and gives a report on the orc attack on the North-West Tower. He is supported by the King and various measures are set in train for the defence of the realm. The costs of these are largely borne by the Crown and by the Lords … Read more
The Mission A deputation of Elves approaches Grettir, Paradoxides, Gadan and Kinness with a highly dangerous mission to save the world. “So, just so I understand”, says Grettir, “If we have three Sarn Tur – these immensely powerful High Elven gems – we have half a chance of defeating the Ogri. There were five, but … Read more
Gadan and the Rangers bring in a report on a large orcish force with kur, wolf riders and sledges. Although still winter in the coldest year, the weather is clear enough and the ground hard enough for Grettir to mount up his men as a cavalry force, with Rangers scouting ahead on skiis. They intercept … Read more