Spirit Naga

The party are joined by a dwarf called Yspadadden.  He says he is a weaponsmith and carries a lot of axes.  They explore a ruin, kill some orcs and encounter a Spirit Naga which they slay.  Unfortunately, Alsram receives a crippling wound and retires from the active life to become a librarian in his monastery.  … Read more

The Heist

The group is joined by a dwarf called Urgin Axehaft and an elven fighter-magician called Tilissiril.  The encounter bandits, wolves and pull off a heist.   Ref: B-5 OE Date: November 677 Characters: Banthil, Tilissiril, Rigon, Bremmin, Alberic, Urgin Axehaft.  NPCs: Real World: When – Summer 1981 (WedCon 1); Where – St Andrews (Whitehill Terrace)

The Death of Grunt Monoslab

The party’s sleep is disturbed by a grim draugr. The berserker, Grunt Monoslab is the only one with the magic weapons to fight the draugr effectively.  He cuts it down but is mortally wounded in the process.  The party do little to succour their fallen comrade, but instead the loot his cooling body.  Grunt is … Read more

Kolvar’s Tomb

The party is joined by a newcomer.  Spjallbodi is a genial giant of a man and an Odin Priest. Exploring the wilderness beyond the Chittagong cultivated lands they discover a slab of inscribed stone set in a cliff that marks the Tomb of Kolvar, a hero of ancient times, known for slaying fell beasts at … Read more

A Long March North (Death of Marna)

A party comprising a Ranger, an elf, two dwarves, an oversized human priest, an apprentice alchemist and a charming and shapely sorceress set off on foot with no firm plan.  They embark upon  extended foot slog through the Dearth Wood and beyond in the general direction North for many weeks. There are many encounters the … Read more