The Sewers

The party venture down the Chittagong sewers.  They slay a crawler – a many legged thing that pounces on them from the ceiling of a tunnel.  Then they encounter a giant water-serpent that lurks in the sewer channel.  Finally they meet a group of skeletons, that includes one that can cast magic.  When they are … Read more

The Sewers Again

Paradoxides, Lorandil and Yspadadden decide to explore the ancient Chittagong sewers again.  This time they take along some professionals to show them the ropes – Galf Blackshield, Axe-heidrek and the rogue Rangi Rat. They encounter and kill a pack of Wererats (one of whom has a magic shortsword). Their experts tell them that these are … Read more

Wol Island

The party set off down the Otanga estuary and out to sea in Paradoxides’ faering.  They discover and explore a small island.  Eochan the Pict is surprised and killed by a giant flightless owl. Peredur is seduced by a sea nymph. Paradoxides and Galf return alone.   Ref: B-51 OE Date: July – 680 Characters: … Read more

Tomes of Koralev

Eggo and Yspadadden return to the place they know as the Naga Dungeon (B2, B30).  Ivar, Silden and Paradoxides are with them.  The find that a band of orcs has once more made camp in the upper levels of the ruin, but these perish under the axes of the dwarves.  Yspadadden finds once more the … Read more

Apocalypse Now

A powerful group including Grettir, Ivar Nickar and a bunch of lesser sorcerors all with the power of flight go out looking for trouble.  They discover orc activity and track it back to a track up the side of a ravine in the mountains.  They can see the ravine further up is spanned by a … Read more

Gathering Herbs

Paradoxides takes a small party out to search for herbs in the early spring.  They avoid an encounter with a Fire Giant.  In a glade in the woods they spot a Pegasus.  They try to win over this magically rare creature but it takes fright and flies away.  Shortly after they meet an elf called … Read more

Pyramid Investigation

The party decide to return to the Great Pyramid in the Edgewere for a further investigation.  The entrance no longer presents a challenge and they penetrate the maze at the centre of the pyramid.  Ivar demonstrates the dwarven method with trapped doors – by kicking them down and absorbing whatever damage is handed out by … Read more