
On the night appointed, Yspadadden summoned the Night Wind and bade it carry him to the Nine Barrow Downe, there to meet with William the Marshall.  The Marshall awaited him there, armed and armoured and carrying a strange sceptre that the Dwarf could immediately tell was an ancient and eldritch artefact.  The Marshall greeted him … Read more

Seahorse Isle

Grettir outfits a sloop, the Kisten (named for his wife), for a voyage to Cos. He hires an experienced crew including a marine called Atelius and a beautiful, multi-skilled rogue called Shazza.  He appoints one of his huscarls, a grizzled veteran of the sea with a shady past called Harman, as sailing master. After battling … Read more

Return to the House of Bagurn

Eggo is determined to return to the ruins which he took over before the orc-war started with the House of Sequarl. This ruined imperial fortification lies in the wilderness West of Sequarl lands. The party penetrate the thick wilderness of the area and locate the ruin. Over a few days they eliminate undead haunting the … Read more