Miscellaneous Adventures

The party, which includes many new to the adventuring scene, use Ktal’s riverboat, sailing up the River Rin and through the Wood of Itaen on a resupply run to Ringrond, as a base for a number of expeditions. They encounter trolls, undead and a wyvern.   Ref: B-15 OE Date: Spring 678 Characters: Clarence, Siabod, … Read more

Ogre Den

The party encounter a wild faun and a werewolf.  They clear out an ogre den.   Ref: B-17 OE Date: May 678 Characters: Ktal, Eric Psychoson, Silden, Zalgorin, Bremmin, Andrek, Finglanrac, Erogena (a hobbit).  NPCs: Real World: When – 1st Term 1981 ; Where – St. Andrews (Warsoc)

The Grey Lady of Itaen

The Grey Lady of Itaen proves to be a witch. The action involves undead, orcs and a werebear. Frida and Andrek are killed.  Silden is bitten by the werebear.  Luckily Silden is a dwarven priest of great wisdom.  He knows the risks inherent in the bites of lycanthropes – which is why he completely forgets … Read more