Giants in the Dearthwood

Grettir has a go at following up leads from the elven reconnaissance (B73). They encounter two Giants in the Dearthwood and slay them. The loot includes an interesting magic ring that allows the wearer to go without sleep.   Ref: B-74 OE Date: September 683 Characters: Paradoxides, Grettir, Bramcheck  NPCs: Eric the Bow, Giziar, Eargh Real … Read more

Hunting the Frost Giant

Responding to reports of a Frost Giant terrorising farmhouses in western Sequarl, Grettir takes some of his top huscarles, along with Eric the Bow as a tracker and his armour bearer Eargh Skolson to investigate.  It is still winter and the snow lies thick on the ground.  Taking an idea from the recent Orcish attack, … Read more

Sleigh Force

Grettir speaks to the High Council about the Ogri threat and gives a report on the orc attack on the North-West Tower.  He is supported by the King and various measures are set in train for the defence of the realm.  The costs of these are largely borne by the Crown and by the Lords … Read more

Fire Giant

Grettir, Paradoxides and Lorandil take a small boat across the Otanga Estuary and explore the wild lands south of Akurr.  They are accompanied by Huscarles Giziar and Ingvar along with faithful Eargh Skolson.  They spot a cave in a cliff-face and surprise a Fire Giant in its lair.  It proves to be a lucrative hit.  … Read more

Fair Whack at the Crypt

Grettir, Paradoxides and Wilfred Stephson go tomb-robbing.  Grettir brings huscarles Kolgrim and Giziar along with his trusty armour bearer Eargh.  Wilf has his new armour-bearer, Chestyn, with him.  Down in the crypt they encounter mummies and a spectre. Kolgrim is sucked by the spectre.  Though eventually he recovers, forever after there is a white streak … Read more

Kur Captive and the Inland Sea

Nickar sends word that he has skryed Kur in Giant’s Pass.  Grettir scrambles a team comprising Salrod, Girindor, Banthil and Tilssiril, along with his armour bearer Eargh Skolson.  Nickar teleports them to his scrying location in the pass, set up in D23.  There are two Kur, plainly on a hunting expedition, who have set up … Read more