Tomes of Koralev

Eggo and Yspadadden return to the place they know as the Naga Dungeon (B2, B30).  Ivar, Silden and Paradoxides are with them.  The find that a band of orcs has once more made camp in the upper levels of the ruin, but these perish under the axes of the dwarves.  Yspadadden finds once more the … Read more

Pyramid Investigation

The party decide to return to the Great Pyramid in the Edgewere for a further investigation.  The entrance no longer presents a challenge and they penetrate the maze at the centre of the pyramid.  Ivar demonstrates the dwarven method with trapped doors – by kicking them down and absorbing whatever damage is handed out by … Read more

Hun in the Sun

Eggo is Wind-Walking a party including Nickar, Paradoxides, Grettir and his promising young huscarle, Giziar, to the north of Chittagong.  They spot a suspicious-looking mule-train heading into the Wilds.  Recently, Orcs all over the Chittagong region seem to be coming into possession of good weapons and armour of recent human manufacture.  There has been much … Read more

Return to the House of Bagurn

Eggo is determined to return to the ruins which he took over before the orc-war started with the House of Sequarl. This ruined imperial fortification lies in the wilderness West of Sequarl lands. The party penetrate the thick wilderness of the area and locate the ruin. Over a few days they eliminate undead haunting the … Read more