The House of Bagurn and After

Grettir has been employing researchers in Chittagong to scour old manuscripts in the city’s libraries for mention of ancient sites in and around Sequarl.  They discover that there was another noble house to the west of the Sequarl, the House of Bagurn.  Unlike Sequarl, they had no Black Rock keep to allow them to resist … Read more

Cold Drake

The party find and capture a cold drake. They then take a troll den. Ivar and Thoden depart – presumably Ivar has business in Ringrond.  Subsequently there is a battle with a Kur warband.   Ref: B-13 OE Date: April 678 Characters:  Sho Rembo, Gadan, Ktal, Ivar, Thoden Lartson, Eggo .  NPCs: Real World: When … Read more

Lair of the Ice Wyrm

The adventurers return to the House of Bagurn. They easily dispose of the remnants of the orcs they find there and discover a disused passage leading below the ruined castle.  There they find an icy-breathed wingless dragon which they slay after a fierce struggle. It sits upon a hoard much of which seems to date … Read more

Sleigh Force

Grettir speaks to the High Council about the Ogri threat and gives a report on the orc attack on the North-West Tower.  He is supported by the King and various measures are set in train for the defence of the realm.  The costs of these are largely borne by the Crown and by the Lords … Read more

The Search for the Sarn-Tur

The Mission A deputation of Elves approaches Grettir, Paradoxides, Gadan and Kinness with a highly dangerous mission to save the world. “So, just so I understand”, says Grettir, “If we have three Sarn Tur – these immensely powerful High Elven gems – we have half a chance of defeating the Ogri.  There were five, but … Read more

Winter War

Gadan and the Rangers bring in a report on a large orcish force with kur, wolf riders and sledges.  Although still winter in the coldest year, the weather is clear enough and the ground hard enough for Grettir to mount up his men as a cavalry force, with Rangers scouting ahead on skiis.  They intercept … Read more

The Weatherman

The Rangers report that a strange mist has descended upon region just to the south of the River Nidd.  Grettir raises a party of soldiers and adventurers and they ride south with the Rangers to the stone-built gatehouse Grettir has raised to guard the bridge over the river.  Girindor summons his Earth power and dispells … Read more