
Nickar reveals that he has the power to travel between the planes of existence.  By way of demonstration he transports the party to the fiery plane of Vulcanheim, where they land on a desolate moor. There the party encounter a hunting party of Fire Giants with Hellhounds.  In the ensuing combat the Fire Giants and … Read more

Lost Dwarves

Grettir and Ivar lead a party of druids and dwarves into the Wood of Itaen, to the southeast of Sequarl.  They make slow progress, being heavily laden and having to contend with winter weather.  However, they make their way from the eastern edge of Itaen to the south-western foothills of the Edgewere Mountains, where they … Read more

Loot Aplenty

Quite a lot of loot was acquired.   Ref: A22 OE Date: Late Winter 677 Characters: Grettir, Salrod, Aradan, Clarence, Seven Foot Tall.  NPCs: Uisge, Shan, Eargh Real World: When – 2nd Term 1981 ; Where – St Andrews (Warsoc) Few details survive of this one.

Mountain Troll

The party encounter a fearsome mountain troll and despite its speed, strength, cunning and viciousness manage to slay it.  Most of the damage is done by Grettir, Aradan and Silden.   Ref: A23 OE Date: Late Winter 677 Characters: Grettir, Aradan, Marna, Larna, Frekki, Silden.  NPCs: Eargh, Huron Real World: When – 2nd Term 1981 … Read more


Expeditioning once more on Sequarl’s western marches, the party encounter two trolls. They slay one and track the other to its den where it took dies.  The party then return to Sequarl Castle to examine the considerable quatities of loot. Back at Sequarl Aradan suddenly decides to quaff a potion from the loot. Perhaps he … Read more

Seven Troll Shootout

The party explore the Shihalion mountains a range even further to the west of the Edgewere.  One night their campsite is attacked by a family of seven forest trolls – a truly unprecedented number – and matters look grave at one point.  Grettir finds himself fighting off three of them with his great iron shield.  … Read more

The House of Bagurn and After

Grettir has been employing researchers in Chittagong to scour old manuscripts in the city’s libraries for mention of ancient sites in and around Sequarl.  They discover that there was another noble house to the west of the Sequarl, the House of Bagurn.  Unlike Sequarl, they had no Black Rock keep to allow them to resist … Read more


For the first time since the attempt on his life, Grettir leads an expedition into the wilds.  With him is his trusty retainer, Salrod.  They encounter two Griffins, a Fire Giant  – which seem mightily common this year – and a troll. Salrod obtains a magic helmet.   Ref: B-25 OE Date: September 678 Characters: … Read more

Lair of the Ice Wyrm

The adventurers return to the House of Bagurn. They easily dispose of the remnants of the orcs they find there and discover a disused passage leading below the ruined castle.  There they find an icy-breathed wingless dragon which they slay after a fierce struggle. It sits upon a hoard much of which seems to date … Read more

The Gargoyle Temple

Grettir agrees to accompany a young Paladin called Dallas Strongmain on his quest to find an ancient temple in the wilderness and retrieve what lies beneath the altar. He takes with him Huron the Steady, Silden the Dwarf and Kojar who has recently taken up a post as the Sequarl magician and librarian.  Ivar comes … Read more