The Dawn of the Berserker

Grettir leads a band of newcomers on an exploration of the wilderness around Chittagong.  Most of his new comrades are northern berserkers – Eric Psychoson, Grunt Monoslab and Brodin. There is also fellow named Dorlas with rogue skills.  They encounter and slaughter giant wasps, a stag and a wyvern.   Ref: A12 OE Date: Spring … Read more

Voyage to the Ivory Coast (and back)

Yog the Beast and Kiness the Cunning buy and fit out a small cog and take a voyage to the Ivory Coast, way to the south. They hire a professional helmsman called Orr Half-ear and recruit a large and multifarious crew that includes Grettir, the berserkers Eric, Clarence, Grunt and Brodin as well as the … Read more

Hill Giant

Exploring around the Chittagong area, an encounter with a hill giant was the highlight. However, the party also met with orcs, goblins, a huorn, and a draugr. This was the first trip for a martial monk called Rigon.   Ref: A26 OE Date: April 677 Characters: Clarence, Rigon, Grunt Monoslab, Alberic, Salrod, Marna.  NPCs: Real … Read more

Spirit Naga

The party are joined by a dwarf called Yspadadden.  He says he is a weaponsmith and carries a lot of axes.  They explore a ruin, kill some orcs and encounter a Spirit Naga which they slay.  Unfortunately, Alsram receives a crippling wound and retires from the active life to become a librarian in his monastery.  … Read more

The Death of Grunt Monoslab

The party’s sleep is disturbed by a grim draugr. The berserker, Grunt Monoslab is the only one with the magic weapons to fight the draugr effectively.  He cuts it down but is mortally wounded in the process.  The party do little to succour their fallen comrade, but instead the loot his cooling body.  Grunt is … Read more