The Ent Wood

A party comprising Eggo of the Holy Brotherhood of Osiris, the dwarf Ivar Forkenbeard, Kinness the Cunning and Grettir explores far to the west of the Ranger base in Edgewere Mountains.  They are accompanied by a young  slave named Eargh Skolson (a.ka. Erc the Jerk) who Grettir is training as his armour bearer. They find … Read more

The Chittagong Sewers

Grettir, Ivar Forkenbeard and Yog the Beast hear about the possibilities of monsters and treasures beneath the city of Chittagong and mount an exploration of the ancient sewers. They return somewhat smelly but carrying plenty of loot.   Ref: A11 OE Date: Winter 674 Characters:  Grettir, Ivar.  NPCs:  Yog Real World: When – Summer 1980; … Read more

Return to Chittagong

Grettir recruits another young berserker called Clarence Fairweather and hooks up with some old comrades: Ivar Forkenbeard, Silden (a Dwarven priest), Gerindar (an Elven druid)  joins the group. It is a stronger party now and they get the better of encounters with hippogryphs and harpies. They return to Chittagong to divide up the loot.  A … Read more

Blue Dragon of Yarr

The party slay the Blue Dragon of Yarr that blasts lightning. Oloin and Merith are killed. A number of interesting artefacts were found in the loot.   Ref A15a OE Date: Winter 675 Characters:  Sho Rembo, Nickar, Eggo, Ivar, Gerindar, Larna, Shizarem, Oloin, Merith.  NPCs: Gadan Real World: When – Pre-Christmas 1980 ; Where – … Read more

Lost Dwarves

Grettir and Ivar lead a party of druids and dwarves into the Wood of Itaen, to the southeast of Sequarl.  They make slow progress, being heavily laden and having to contend with winter weather.  However, they make their way from the eastern edge of Itaen to the south-western foothills of the Edgewere Mountains, where they … Read more

Seven Troll Shootout

The party explore the Shihalion mountains a range even further to the west of the Edgewere.  One night their campsite is attacked by a family of seven forest trolls – a truly unprecedented number – and matters look grave at one point.  Grettir finds himself fighting off three of them with his great iron shield.  … Read more

The White Dragon and the Founding of Ringrond

Ivar Forkenbeard gathers a small group of dwarves, including the weaponsmith Yspadadden.  They are accompanied by old friends Sho Rembo and Eggo and the berserkers Yog the Beast and Eric Psychoson.  He returns to the mountainous region to the west of the Wood of Itaen that he visited with Grettir just over a year previously … Read more

Cold Drake

The party find and capture a cold drake. They then take a troll den. Ivar and Thoden depart – presumably Ivar has business in Ringrond.  Subsequently there is a battle with a Kur warband.   Ref: B-13 OE Date: April 678 Characters:  Sho Rembo, Gadan, Ktal, Ivar, Thoden Lartson, Eggo .  NPCs: Real World: When … Read more

Lair of the Ice Wyrm

The adventurers return to the House of Bagurn. They easily dispose of the remnants of the orcs they find there and discover a disused passage leading below the ruined castle.  There they find an icy-breathed wingless dragon which they slay after a fierce struggle. It sits upon a hoard much of which seems to date … Read more