The Gargoyle Temple

Grettir agrees to accompany a young Paladin called Dallas Strongmain on his quest to find an ancient temple in the wilderness and retrieve what lies beneath the altar. He takes with him Huron the Steady, Silden the Dwarf and Kojar who has recently taken up a post as the Sequarl magician and librarian.  Ivar comes … Read more

An Iron Axe and a Gold Bar

Grettir and his friends root out a den of wolves and werewolves in a cave in the Wilds. At the back of the cave they find a secret door.  This leads to a dwarven bolt hole – an emergency refuge. Exploring this small space they discover an undead dwarven hero who plainly took refuge there … Read more

Cock on the Block

Grettir turns his attention to the haunted marsh of Redmere and the pink granite mine that was rumoured once to have been a rich source of income for Sequarl.  They cross the marsh without great alarums and locate the old quarry workings.  There they encounter the cause of all the hauntings – a demon in … Read more

Winter of Discontent

One night around Yule an orcish arrow thunks into the main gate of Sequarl castle.  Wrapped around it is an invitation for the “Stone King” to come to a parley at Orc Rock, a well known landmark on the edge of Sequarl.  Grettir attends with a force of his men in case of treachery.  There … Read more

Seahorse Isle

Grettir outfits a sloop, the Kisten (named for his wife), for a voyage to Cos. He hires an experienced crew including a marine called Atelius and a beautiful, multi-skilled rogue called Shazza.  He appoints one of his huscarls, a grizzled veteran of the sea with a shady past called Harman, as sailing master. After battling … Read more

Truce Time

October ended with a surprise package delivered to a house in Sequarl Village.  It was one of the captives of the Meriad raid.  She was alive and well, but tattooed across her back was a ransom demand for Grettir’s sister-in-law, Sitrin who was taken in the same action.   The thought of parting with 5000 … Read more