A Boat Trip

The party sail to the Sand Lands and back on a spying mission for the Rangers. Gron Masny, an experienced Ranger goes with them and a northern barbarian fighter-magician called Kolgrim, who is sworn to Grettir.  They encounter a sea serpent en route and see it off.  The Grettir buys a cargo for them as … Read more

Hall of the Mountain Kings

The party reconnoitres a mountain in the middle of the Wood of Itaen.  They believe it to contain the home of a Mountain Troll.  After a lot of exploration – much of it by magic – they discover a secret door in the Mountain Peak.  Nickar, by his arts is able to peek inside.  He … Read more

Pink Granite

Silden goes prospecting for a legendary pink granite mine in a haunted marsh on the borders of Sequarl.  He takes some Sequarl assets with him to assist and support him.   Ref: B-79b OE Date: 684 March-April Characters:  Silden, Kolgrim  NPCs: Almaric, Odo Bracegirdle Real World: When – 1986; Where – South Africa (By correspondence)

Hunting the Frost Giant

Responding to reports of a Frost Giant terrorising farmhouses in western Sequarl, Grettir takes some of his top huscarles, along with Eric the Bow as a tracker and his armour bearer Eargh Skolson to investigate.  It is still winter and the snow lies thick on the ground.  Taking an idea from the recent Orcish attack, … Read more

Sleigh Army

Grettir decides to help his Serguilin allies.  He musters a large force to attack an orc den that the elves have identified in the Dearthwood. It is April but the snow still lies thickly upon the ground so Grettir mounts his force upon sleighs so they can arrive quickly and surprise their foes.  They crush … Read more

The Wyvern That Never Was

They never did find that wyvern they set off to track down.  They did find some trolls.  They were ambushed by forest trolls in the Wood of Itaen and tracked them back to their den for a further fierce fight and loot.   Ref: C-10 OE Date: June-July 685 Characters: Grettir, Paradoxides, Lorandil, Wilfred, Kolgrim … Read more

Fair Whack at the Crypt

Grettir, Paradoxides and Wilfred Stephson go tomb-robbing.  Grettir brings huscarles Kolgrim and Giziar along with his trusty armour bearer Eargh.  Wilf has his new armour-bearer, Chestyn, with him.  Down in the crypt they encounter mummies and a spectre. Kolgrim is sucked by the spectre.  Though eventually he recovers, forever after there is a white streak … Read more

Winter of Discontent

One night around Yule an orcish arrow thunks into the main gate of Sequarl castle.  Wrapped around it is an invitation for the “Stone King” to come to a parley at Orc Rock, a well known landmark on the edge of Sequarl.  Grettir attends with a force of his men in case of treachery.  There … Read more

Winter War

Gadan and the Rangers bring in a report on a large orcish force with kur, wolf riders and sledges.  Although still winter in the coldest year, the weather is clear enough and the ground hard enough for Grettir to mount up his men as a cavalry force, with Rangers scouting ahead on skiis.  They intercept … Read more

The Weatherman

The Rangers report that a strange mist has descended upon region just to the south of the River Nidd.  Grettir raises a party of soldiers and adventurers and they ride south with the Rangers to the stone-built gatehouse Grettir has raised to guard the bridge over the river.  Girindor summons his Earth power and dispells … Read more